Author Archives: Complete Healthcare Team

Is Suboxone Right For Me?

Suboxide is an FDA-approved prescription medication to treat people addicted to illegal or prescription opioids. Opioids can include heroin or prescription pain relievers like hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, and fentanyl. Suboxone is a leading treatment medication for opioid addiction because it’s non-habit-forming and helps ease the miserable withdrawal period. Learn why this medication-assisted treatment (MAT), combined […]

Alcohol Abuse: Signs, Symptoms, and Alcohol Abuse Treatment

Are you worried that you or someone you care about is abusing alcohol? Millions of people who need help do not receive alcoholism treatment. Alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a common, chronic, and sometimes-progressive medical condition. People who struggle with alcohol abuse often feel like they need to drink to function on a […]

What You Need to Know About Methadone Treatment

Several treatment options are available for people struggling with opiate addiction or Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). One of the most popular treatments available is methadone, a long-acting opioid that helps curb cravings and severe withdrawal symptoms associated with heroin and other opiates. Millions of people use methadone as a treatment medication for opiate addiction.  Ultimately, […]

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is a medication that combines buprenorphine and naloxone. It’s approved by the U.S. FDA to treat opioid use disorder (OUD). OUD is the misuse of opioids that causes significant distress and impairment. While Methadone is a popular option for the treatment of opioid misuse, Suboxone medication is considered a viable pharmaceutical alternative due to […]

What is Methadone?

what is methadone

Methadone is a long-acting opioid medication used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT). It helps people to reduce or quit their use of shorter-acting opioids like heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl, or hydromorphone. It is safe and effective when it’s taken as prescribed, and it allows individuals to recover from their addictions. Here’s what you should know about what […]

Harmful Effects of Cocaine: What It Does to Your Mind and Body


Cocaine (C17H21NO4) is a powerfully addictive and psychoactive drug that nearly 5 million Americans use regularly. Often used as a recreational drug, cocaine sends high dopamine levels to the parts of your brain that control pleasure. However, cocaine has severe health consequences, both mental and physical. In fact, cocaine caused 1 in 5 drug overdose […]

5 Ways to Control Destructive Behavior

Destructive Behavior

Almost everyone has indulged in some form of destructive behavior in their lives. Sometimes such behaviors are temporary and don’t cause you to harm in the long run. However, when they become a habit, they can have significant physical and emotional consequences. Also, self-destructive behaviors are far more drastic for people in recovery as they […]

5 Signs You Need To See A Gynecologist


The thought of seeing a gynecologist can make you feel nervous or embarrassed, but it is essential to ensure that you stay healthy. An appointment with a gynecologist is vital since most women can’t tell the difference between what’s “normal” and what may be a sign of a reproductive health problem. From Menstrual irregularities to […]

5 Effective Ways to Fight Addiction Relapses

group counseling

Addiction is a chronic disease that changes the brain’s structure in the presence of addictive substances like (heroin, meth, and cocaine). The changes push the brain into a mode where it constantly craves those substances. That’s why substance addiction is a never-ending race, and you have to constantly run against the odds. Relapses are the […]

5 Tips To Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

physical activity

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that vital in building healthy cells. Some forms of cholesterol help the body’s regular functions. For example, we need cholesterol in our skin cells to make vitamin D from sunlight. In addition, our body also uses cholesterol to make certain hormones and fat-dissolving bile acids. However, if your blood contains […]