Methadone Versus Suboxone

suboxone v methadone

What’s the difference between Methadone and Suboxone? Which treatment is best for you? Methadone and Suboxone are both prescription drugs that help treat opioid addiction. Opioids include painkillers, heroin, and fentanyl. Both of these medicines are used to treat opioid use disorder. However, they’re two different medications. Learn more about the different medications and how these two drugs compare.

Opioid Addiction Treatment with Methadone and Suboxone

Methadone and Suboxone are usually part of an overall opioid treatment plan. These drugs can help people stop using opioids initially but staying sober usually includes therapy, lifestyle changes, and family support.

How are Methadone and Suboxone Similar?

  • Both medicines contain synthetic opioids
  • Both can help reduce adverse withdrawal symptoms
  • They stimulate the brain’s opioid receptors
  • Both drugs can increase the likelihood of achieving sobriety
  • These medications are prescription only.
  • Both medications are safe for long-term use
  • Doctors may give either medicine during pregnancy

  How are Methadone and Suboxone Different?

  • The ingredients are different
  • Suboxone has buprenorphine + naloxone
  • Some physicians prefer to give buprenorphine-containing medications over Methadone during pregnancy
  • Methadone requires a higher than Suboxone
  • The dose increase rates of the two medications are different

Understanding Methadone and Suboxone

Methadone helps reduce opioid withdrawal pains and cravings. The medication is usually taken for at least 12 months, and you can only access it from certified opioid treatment programs. Methadone fully activates the opioid receptor in the brain, making it stronger than Suboxone.

Suboxone is a medication that also eases the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. But unlike Methadone, it’s made from two different drugs, naloxone + buprenorphine. Suboxone is less strong than Methadone.

How is Treatment Different?

You can only get Methadone for addiction treatment from certified opioid treatment programs or Methadone maintenance clinics. When you begin taking Methadone, a doctor will observe you receiving each dose. Then, when (or if) the doctor decides you’re stable, you may be allowed to take the medicine at home.

You don’t need to visit a treatment facility every time you take Suboxone. Also, most physicians can prescribe it within or outside a drug addiction program. Your doctor will give you a prescription but still closely monitor your treatment.

Methadone and Suboxone are successful opioid addiction treatments. Suboxone can be taken without a doctor’s supervision, but it requires a higher dose than Methadone. Suboxone may be less effective for dodging opioid relapses, but the flexible, take-home dosing can make it easier for patients to stay on their treatment plan.  

Side Effects of Methadone and Suboxone

Like most medicines, these two drugs have potential side effects. They can include nausea, constipation, dizziness, tiredness, concentration problems, dry mouth, and sexual issues. Both medications can be taken long-term. However, the body might be physically dependent on them, meaning it needs them to function correctly. An abrupt dose can cause withdrawal symptoms.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Complete Healthcare offers a complete methadone treatment program in Ohio. We often receive questions about opioid treatment options. Here are a few of the most common questions we receive.

Can I take Methadone and Suboxone together?

No. Taking both medicines is dangerous and could cause an accidental overdose.  

Should I switch from Methadone to Suboxone?

If you’re successfully treating your opioid addiction with Methadone, there’s no need to switch to Suboxone. However, if you relapse or are non-compliant with your program, Suboxone may be a better fit.

Can anyone take these medications?

Methadone and Suboxone are generally safe. However, people with specific diseases like dementia or increased intracranial pressure may not be able to take them.

How long do people take Methadone?

This is a long-term treatment drug. People can take Methadone for one year or 20+ years. You must talk to your doctor if you’re considering going off the medication. Methadone doses must be tapered down gradually to ease withdrawals.  

Find a Methadone Treatment Center in Ohio

We are the leading Methadone treatment clinic and the #1 Suboxone clinic in Columbus, Ohio. Complete Healthcare provides comprehensive opioid treatment plans, including counseling, group or individual support, and drug therapy. Contact us today if you’re ready to overcome your opioid addiction and get your life back on track.

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