Helping a Meth Addict

meth addict help

How to Help Someone With a Meth Addiction

Methamphetamine (meth) is a dangerous, powerful, and addictive substance. Around 1 million Americans struggle with meth addiction. Methamphetamine abuse can lead to serious side effects, including tooth decay, weight loss, skin lesions, anxiety, memory loss, hallucinations, aggression, and brain damage. Witnessing a person fall victim to this drug can be scary. You may feel lost if someone you care about suffers from substance abuse. However, helping someone addicted to meth is possible. Discover more about meth addiction treatment programs by calling 614.882.4343.

How to Help Someone Addicted to Meth

Meth use disorder can be intense and frightening. But you can be a positive force by offering support, educating yourself on meth addiction, and encouraging positive life changes.

Here are five practical, effective ways to help someone you care about with a meth addiction.

Learn about substance use disorders

Addiction is a chronic health problem. Therefore, educating yourself on meth addiction is vital before you confront someone. Meth use is more visibly noticeable than other common substance addictions because of the physical side effects. Some common warning signs of a meth use disorder include:  

  • Lying about using the drug
  • Continuing to use it despite adverse consequences
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Hyperactivity
  • Twitching, facial tics, jerky movements
  • Paranoia
  • Dilated pupils
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Skin sores
  • Reduced appetite
  • Erratic sleeping patterns
  • Rotting teeth
  • Mood swings
  • Neglecting responsibilities like work or school

Learn how to talk to a meth addict

Have a conversation with the person you care about who is struggling with addiction. Talking about a meth problem can be intimidating, but it could be the first step in their recovery process. Don’t talk to someone about their addiction while intoxicated or coming down from meth.

Also, it’s important to refrain from being judgmental, critical, or argumentative when talking. Try to speak with compassion and an open mind, so the person feels loved and respected rather than feeling attacked. Once the person recognizes an issue and notices the negative impacts of meth addiction, it can be harder to stop using it. Patience and persistence are necessary.

  • Good to know: Meth can make people act out in uncharacteristically dangerous ways. If you ever see someone threaten themselves or someone else, call 911 immediately.

Stop enabling someone with a meth addiction

Many people leave their loved ones without realizing it. Enabling prevents people from experiencing the negative consequences of drug use. For example, enabling behaviors can include things like paying a person’s bills if they spend their money on meth, lying on their behalf, or bailing them out of trouble.

Connect them with meth addiction help

It’s not a good idea to do a DIY intervention or try to help a meth addict without the help of a professional. You should help the person enter formal treatment. Meth treatment recovery centers will offer them the best chance at recovery. These can be inpatient or outpatient facilities depending on the severity of the addiction. It’s a good idea to research available treatment options and let the person know about them. You can also offer to help schedule an appointment or drive them to one.

Choosing the right treatment program can significantly impact a person’s recovery. Explore meth treatment centers in Ohio to learn more about meth addiction treatment options.

Seek professional support for yourself

Helping someone battle an addiction problem is mentally and emotionally draining. So don’t forget to take care of your mental health when supporting someone struggling with a meth addiction. You can seek help by going to a support group for loved ones of meth addicts or asking an addiction professional for advice on coping with your current situation.  

Meth Treatment Centers in Ohio

At Complete Healthcare, our methamphetamine addiction treatment in Columbus combines psychotherapy, psychoeducation, individual counseling, group counseling, and group support with medication-assisted treatment support to achieve long-term sobriety.

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