When to Use Suboxone Instead of Methadone?

suboxone vs methadone rehab

When it comes to treating opioid addiction, methadone, and Suboxone are two of the most commonly prescribed drugs. Both medications are effective in treating opioid use disorder, however, there are many differences between the two. In this article, we’ll discuss when it is appropriate to use Suboxone instead of methadone and vice versa. We’ll also explore the side effects and potential risks of each medication. If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid addiction, this article is intended to provide you with the information needed to make an informed decision about which treatment option is best for you. Read on to learn more about the differences between methadone and Suboxone, and discover which one will be the most beneficial for your situation.

Background on Suboxone and Methadone

History of Suboxone

Suboxone is an opioid medication approved by the FDA in 2002 to treat opioid addiction and dependence. It is a combination of two medications: buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist that acts on the receptors in the brain that opioids bind with to create their effects; it has a weaker effect than other opioids but still relieves withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that prevents the drug from being abused, as it blocks the effects of opioids if taken in large doses or if taken in an attempt to get high.

History of Methadone

Methadone was developed in Germany during World War II and is one of the most widely used maintenance medications for treating opioid addiction. It is a synthetic opioid agonist that binds to the same receptors that other opioids do in the brain, creating similar effects to those opioids while blocking other drugs from having an effect, thus increasing its efficacy as a treatment for addiction. Methadone has been used since the 1950s and is widely prescribed around the world today.

Clinical Uses of Suboxone and Methadone

Both suboxone and methadone are used primarily for managing drug addiction, reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms, helping users abstain from using illicit drugs, and maintaining sobriety over time. They can also be used to treat chronic pain when conventional treatments have failed or are not preferred by the patient.

Advantages of Suboxone over Methadone

  • Cost: Suboxone tends to be cheaper than methadone due to its availability in generic form as well as its lower dosage requirements. This makes it more accessible to those who may not be able to afford methadone, thus providing them with treatment options that are more financially feasible for them.
  • Availability: Suboxone is available in many forms including tablets, films, or wafers which can be taken orally or sublingually depending on what works better for each patient. Methadone is only available as a liquid solution typically administered once daily at a clinic or hospital thus making it less accessible than suboxone for many individuals seeking treatment options.
  • Side Effects: Suboxone typically has fewer side effects than methadone when taken according to instructions, thus making it a safer option for those individuals looking for a treatment option without major side effects affecting their quality of life. Common side effects of both drugs can include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, constipation, dry mouth, sweating, blurred vision, sleep disturbances, and difficulty sleeping.

Disadvantages of Suboxone Compared to Methadone

Duration of Action

The effects of suboxone generally last between 12-24 hours whereas methadones’ effects can last up to 72 hours due to its longer half-life; this means that suboxone’s effects must be taken more frequently which may be inconvenient for some users who do not have easy access or regular schedules allowing normal dosing intervals throughout their day-to-day activities.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Some patients may experience stronger withdrawal symptoms when taking suboxone vs methadone due to the partial agonistic nature of suboxone’s ingredients; this may cause more frequent dosing intervals for some patients to adequately manage such symptoms over an extended period compared to those taking methadones’ long half-life properties into account when calculating appropriate dosing intervals based on their unique circumstances.

Abuse Potential

Suboxone’s abuse potential is slightly higher than that of methadone due to its combined agonist-antagonist components which make it slightly more desirable among users looking for high levels when seeking out newer substances; this should be considered by patients looking into using either drug when deciding which one may offer them more benefits without any resulting negative consequences over time through improper usage patterns.

The Impact of Substance Abuse on Mental Health

Physical Implications

Substance abuse can lead to numerous physical implications including increased risk for certain diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease), decreased appetite resulting in malnutrition or weight loss issues, as well as long-term damage from drug addiction (such as liver damage). Mental health implications can also occur such as mood swings or difficulty with concentration due to decreased cognitive functioning from sustained substance use.

Psychological Implications

Substance abuse can lead to psychological issues such as depression or anxiety due to the changes associated with addictive behavior such as isolation from family members or friends who may disapprove of such activities or patterns; mental illnesses that were already present before substance use (such as bipolar disorder) may worsen over time through further deterioration due to continued substance use.

Social Implications

Substance abuse also carries numerous social implications due to its isolating nature; relationships with family members or friends may become strained due to perpetuated negative social behavior while using substances (such as lying) or simply due to lack of communication due to misuse; similarly, job opportunities may diminish due inability maintain regular working hours given increased propensity towards late nights partying within such circles.


When To Consider Methadone

If a patient needs consistent medication every day then methadone’s long-duration action may make it more suitable depending on their circumstances. Similarly, if they are looking for medications that offer fewer side effects then methadones’ lower incidence rate compared to suboxones’ other constituents might make it a preferred choice depending on what works best for each individual after consulting with medical professionals about their personal goals.

When To Consider Suboxone

If a patient does not need a consistent dose every day then suboxone’s shorter duration action might make it more suitable depending on their circumstances. Similarly, if they are looking for medications that offer less risk potential then suboxones’ partial agonists might make it the preferred choice depending on what works best for each individual after consulting with medical professionals about their personal goals.

Find A Professional

Ultimately patients should take all information discussed above into account when deciding whether they should take suboxone instead of methadone after consulting with medical professionals about their individual goals; ultimately each situation will vary so an appropriate treatment plan must be constructed under the supervision of professional medical personnel who understands each patient’s individual goals in order battle with substance misuse successfully over long-term.

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