How to Know if Someone Is Smoking Heroin

signs of heroin use

Heroin is an illegal drug that is highly addictive and dangerous. People who use heroin often become dependent on it and may be unable to stop without professional help. If you’re worried that someone you care about may be using heroin, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heroin use. In this article, we’ll discuss the physical and psychological signs that someone may be using heroin. We’ll also discuss how to approach the situation if you suspect someone you care about is using heroin. Understanding the signs and how to act can provide you with the tools you need to get your loved one the help they need.

Related: Columbus Heroin Addiction Treatment

What is Heroin? 

Heroin is an opioid drug derived from morphine, which comes from poppy plants. It appears as a white or brown powder or a black sticky substance known as black tar heroin and is taken for its euphoric effects. Heroin can be snorted, smoked, or injected into veins, muscles, or mucous membranes.

Heroin was first developed in 1874 and was later marketed as a remedy for diseases such as bronchitis and tuberculosis. In the 1960s and 1970s, heroin use increased significantly due to its availability and ease of access. The misuse of heroin affects millions of people worldwide and is associated with a range of long-term health problems such as organ damage, weakened immune system, and respiratory issues.

Physical Signs of Heroin Use

Skin Changes

When someone smokes heroin, there are tell-tale signs on the skin that may provide evidence of drug use. Common signs include needle track marks (if injected), dark circles under the eyes, pale complexion, eyes that are red or watery, and sudden weight loss or gain.

Behavioral Changes

Changes in behavior can also indicate heroin use such as drastic personality changes, isolation from family and friends, secrecy regarding their activities, neglecting personal hygiene, poor sleeping patterns, and financial difficulties.

Cognitive Changes

Taking heroin causes cognitive changes including confusion, drowsiness, impaired speech or coordination, impaired concentration and slowed reaction times.

Common Side Effects of Heroin Use 


Insomnia is one of the most common side effects of heroin use due to the drug’s depressant action on the central nervous system (CNS). This can last up to weeks after discontinuing use — making it difficult for users to fall asleep without the drug.

Respiratory Problems

Smoking heroin has been linked to respiratory illnesses such as chronic bronchitis and pneumonia due to prolonged exposure to chemicals used to produce the drug. The body’s exhale tissues are also at risk for damage when smoking heroin.

Weakened Immune System

The weakening of a person’s immune system is another common side effect associated with heroin use primarily due to the lack of proper nutrition and sleep associated with taking the drug. Long-term users may also be more prone to illnesses due to unsafe needle-sharing practices associated with intravenous injections.

Effects of Long-term Heroin Use

Physical Dependence

Long-term use of heroin eventually leads to physical dependence as tolerance increases over time and requires more of the drug to achieve the same effect — leading users dependent on larger dosage amounts just to function normally throughout their day-to-day lives without withdrawal symptoms appearing.

Severe Cravings

People who are addicted to heroin will experience strong cravings for the drug both physically and psychologically — even after being away from it for some time — making it very difficult for them to quit using permanently without proper medical assistance or support from friends or family members who can help them overcome their addiction issues safely and effectively.

Organ Damage

Long-term use of any type of drug can lead to organ damage over time due to repeated exposure — particularly when it comes to organs such as the liver and kidneys which filter toxins from your body constantly. In addition, people who inject drugs also run the risk of contracting viral infections like Hepatitis B & C and HIV — further damaging key organs over time.

Withdrawal Symptoms Of Heroin

Muscle Pain and Aches

Another common trait during withdrawal is muscle aches, pains & cramps caused by depleted nutrient levels in the body which were initially filled by using drugs like heroin – these side effects usually peak 2 – 3 days after ceasing usage & should gradually subside within 5 – 10 days after initial onset if proper medical care has been taken along with healthy nutrition & exercise habits being practiced regularly during this time period.

Nausea and Vomiting

Users may also experience nausea & vomiting due to minor changes in blood pressure brought on by quitting cold turkey ( quitting abruptly ) – this can be combated with medications prescribed by doctors that help alleviate these symptoms safely & effectively which should only be handled under supervision from qualified professionals at all times. If you’re concerned that someone you know is using heroin, it’s important to get them the help they need as soon as possible. If you can’t approach them yourself, seek help from a healthcare provider or a friend or family member. It’s important to remember that addiction is a serious issue and it takes a lot of courage and determination to seek help. Don’t be afraid to speak up and let those you care about know that you’re there for them.

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