The ‘Must Ask’ List: Questions You Should Pose During Your OBGYN Appointment

obgyn appointment questions

When you visit your OBGYN, it’s important to have a comprehensive conversation about your health and any concerns you may have. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get distracted and forget to ask the important questions that can help you maintain your well-being. But not to worry, we’ve created a “must ask” list of key questions that you should remember to ask at your next OBGYN appointment. From discussing your menstrual cycle to addressing lifestyle habits and other medical concerns, understanding your health is key to a successful appointment. Through our list, you’ll learn how to communicate effectively with your OBGYN and how to ask the important questions to keep your health on track.

What to Expect During Your Appointment

When visiting your OBGYN, you can expect that the doctor will ask certain questions related to your health history, current lifestyle, and symptoms if necessary. The doctor may also perform an exam depending on the nature of your visit.

Questions About Your Sexual Health

Are there any STDs I should be tested for?

Your OBGYN can help you determine which sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) tests are most appropriate for you based on your sexual history and any potential exposures. With so many different types of STDs, it is important to know what potential risks you may be exposed to to keep yourself healthy.

Are there any treatments that might improve my sexual health?

Your OBGYN can provide information about treatments and medications that may help to improve your sexual health. These treatments may include medication, lifestyle changes, or alternative therapies.

Are there any lifestyle changes I can make to improve my sexual health?

Your OBGYN can provide advice on lifestyle changes that may help to improve your sexual health. These changes could include dietary modifications, getting more exercise, quitting smoking or drinking alcohol, or making other behavioral changes to foster better health overall.

Questions About Your Menstrual Cycle

How long is my cycle?

It is important to know the length of your menstrual cycle as it can provide insight into your reproductive health overall. By understanding the length of your cycle and when to expect various stages of menstruation such as ovulation and PMS, you can better anticipate when certain symptoms may occur and plan accordingly.

Is my menstrual flow normal?

Your OBGYN can provide information regarding what is considered a “normal” flow for a woman at different stages in her life as this may change over time. Additionally, if you have noticed any changes in your menstrual flow or duration, it is important to discuss these changes with your doctor in order to rule out any potential medical issues.

How can I best manage my menstrual pain and discomfort?

If you experience cramps, mood swings, headaches, bloating or other uncomfortable symptoms related to menstruation each month, it is important to discuss these issues with your OBGYN as they can provide treatments that may help reduce the severity of these symptoms each month.

Questions About Birth Control

Is this the best birth control option for me?

Your OBGYN can discuss the range of birth control options available based on your lifestyle needs and medical history to determine the best form of birth control for you. It is important to bring up any medications or supplements that you are taking as certain types of birth control drugs may not be compatible with those substances or cause side effects when combined with them.

Are there any side effects associated with my current birth control?

If you currently use a form of birth control, it is important to ask about any side effects associated with that particular type of birth control as some may have more minor side effects while others could potentially cause serious complications requiring medical attention right away if experienced.

How often should I check in with you about my birth control?

Your OBGYN will generally advise how often they would like for you to come in for follow-up appointments regarding any changes in birth control or updates regarding its efficacy based on changes in lifestyle or age.

Questions About Your Overall Reproductive Health

Are there any reproductive health risks I should be aware of?

If there are specific conditions within your family medical history that could increase the risk for certain types of reproductive health issues, you need to discuss this with your OBGYN as they can guide genetic testing and prevention measures if necessary.

Are there any lifestyle changes that I can make to improve my overall reproductive health?

There are always steps one can take towards improving their reproductive health such as maintaining a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise, reducing stress levels, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco use. Your OBGYN can also offer guidance on supplements or other treatments that may also help boost fertility as well as general wellness related to reproductive health.

Does my family medical history increase my risk for any reproductive health issues?

If applicable, it is important to discuss family medical histories which could increase the risk for certain types of reproductive disorders or diseases such as reproductive cancer or fibroids. By discussing this information during regular appointments, your OBGYN may be able to provide early detection strategies that could significantly reduce the impact of these conditions if present.


Your OBGYN appointment is a great opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your reproductive health. Asking the right questions is key to making the most out of your visit, and our list of five key questions should help you create a comprehensive dialogue with your doctor. From discussing your sexual health to addressing specific medical concerns, these questions will help you remain informed of any potential risks and treatments available. Ultimately, understanding your health can help you make better decisions, maintain your reproductive health, and create a comprehensive health plan with your doctor.

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